Tuesday, August 24, 2010

VITAMINS - Explained

What are VITAMINS?
VITAMINS are organic substances, essential in minute amounts for normal growth and activity of the body. VITAMINS are very important to the body because, although VITAMINS do not provide energy or make up our cells or organs, without VITAMINS the body cannot carry out many of the chemical processes it needs.
Vitamins interact with other nutrients in processes such as metabolism, digestion and developing blood cells and some vitamins are said to slow down the ageing process, prevent cancerous cells attacking the body and strengthen the immune system.

Furthermore, our body has no way to create vitamin molecules itself, so the vitamin molecules must come in through food that you eat.

There are 13 different Vitamins and they are divided into two categories :
1. Water-soluble Vitamins - Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K
2. Fat-soluble Vitamins - Vitamin B-family, Vitamin C

Difference Between Water-soluble Vitamins and Fat-soluble Vitamins :
Fat-soluble Vitamins can be stored in our body thru body tissues, which is why we do not need to take these Vitamins everyday. Water-soluble Vitamins, on the other hand, are everyday-Vitamins, meaning our body does not store these kind of Vitamins (excess are taken out thru our urine), that's why we have to load up on this kind of Vitamins everyday.

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